NETC Advisory Committee Meeting
Date & Time: Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Conference Call: Dial-in 1-866-906-7447, Participant Code: 8626283
Agenda and Documents
Below are links to documents that will be discussed during the meeting. (starred* documents require Advisory Committee approval)
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Open Projects
- 06-4 Preventive Maintenance and Timing of Applications, PI Mogawer: Ending 9/15/16 – No update, awaiting final quarterly progress report and final technical committee meeting.
- 07-1 In-Place Response Mechanisms of Recycled Layers Due to Temperature and Moisture Variations, PI Daniel: Final report received and accepted by Technical Committee. PI has agreed to complete final tech transfer items, details to be addressed.
- 09-2 Effective Establishment of Native Grasses on Roadsides, PI Kuzovkina: Final report received and accepted by Technical Committee. PI has agreed to complete final tech transfer items, details to be addressed.
- 09-3 Advanced Composite Materials in New England’s Transportation Infrastructure, PI Lopez-Anido: Final report received no comments yet from the Technical Committee.
- 10-3 Low Temperature and Moisture Susceptibility of RAP Mixtures with Warm Mix Technology, PI Mogawer: NCE Request approved by Advisory Committee, extension in process between UVM and UMass Dartmouth.
- 13-1 Development of High Early-Strength Concrete for Accelerated Bridge Construction Closure Pour Connections, PI Brena: NCE approved by Advisory Committee, contract extension in process between UVM and UMass Amherst.
- 13-2 HMA Mixtures Containing Recycled Asphalt Singles (RAS): Low Temperature Fatigue Performance of Plant-Produced Mixtures, PI Mogawer: NCE approved to 12/1/2017, extension in process between UVM and UMass Dartmouth.
- 13-3 Improved Regionalization of Quality Assurance (QA) Functions, PI Dave: NCE approved to 9/30/2016, contract extension in process between UVM and UNH.
- 14-1 Measuring the Effectiveness of Competency Models for Job Specific Professional Development of Engineers & Engineering Technicians, PI Ahmadjian: NCE approved to 12/31/2016, contract extension in process between UVM and UMass Amherst.
- 14-2 Investigation of Northern Long-Eared Bat Roosting Sites on Bridges, PI Civjan: Summer bridge roosting monitoring is underway, as is the Inspection Reporting. No further updates, awaiting next quarterly progress report.
- 14-4 Optimizing Future Work Zones in New England for Safety and Mobility, PI Xie: No further updates awaiting next quarterly progress report.
- 15-1 Use of Forested Habitat Adjacent to Highways by Northern Long Ear Bats: Ballots received by Advisory committee in the affirmative. Selection notifications and contract drafting to begin.
- 15-2 Using the New SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Safety Databases to Examine Safety Concerns for Older Drivers: Proposal evaluations are complete, ballot to be shared with Advisory Committee members 9/27/2016.
- 15-3 Moisture Susceptibility Testing for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements in New England: Initial contract documents being drafted between UVM and UNH.
- 15-4 Optimizing Quality Assurance (QA) Processes for Asphalt Pavement Construction: Scope of work development delayed until NETC Program is revised and relaunched.
3. NETC Fund Balance Update
- FY2016 Fund Transfers
- Current Balance
- FY2017 Fund Transfers
4. Other Business
- NETC Advisory Meeting – Retreat Follow Up, Oct. 5 2016
- Agenda to follow
- Reminder of Peer-Network Survey
- NETC Policies and Procedures Changes (Final Reports)
- Addition of University of New Haven (private Univ. in Conn.) as one of the institutes eligible for NETC RFPs
- Multi-State Overweight Limit Permit Program (informational inquiry)
5. Adjourn
Next Meeting – October 25, 2016, 11 AM – 12 PM