Project Objectives
- Develop a detailed document listing Quality Assurance processes, including Agency Acceptance and Contractor Quality Control, of member states through interviews of Agency and Contractor staffs and literature review.
- Develop a regional white paper describing Quality Assurance practices for NETC constituents regarding HMA Acceptance and Quality Control testing.
Technical Committee Members
- John Grieco (Chairperson), Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Vice-Chairperson Mark Brum, Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Aaron Schwartz, Vermont Agency of Transportation
- Kevin Cummings, Maine Department of Transportation
- Bob Lauzon: Connecticut Department of Transportation
- Michael Byrne, Rhode Island Department of Transportation
- Denis Boisvert, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Implementation Activities
VTrans is rewriting their main HMA specifications (Sections 406 and 407) to accommodate a tiered approach and is incorporating some of the recommendations from this research. ConnDOT already has some of the project recommendations in place and will be implementing others based on a number of factors. One state would implement if there was a regional effort.