January 26, 2016 NETC Advisory Committee Meeting
NETC Advisory Committee Meeting
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Conference Call: Dial-in 1-866-906-7447, Participant Code: 8626283
Draft Agenda and Documents
Below are links to documents that will be discussed during the meeting. (starred* documents require Advisory Committee approval)
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
NETC Adv Comm December 1 2015 Draft MINUTES*
3. NETC Fund Balance, Transfers and 2015 Contributions
- Update on SPR-3(089) – ME funds to be transferred
- Update on TPF-5(222)
- 2015 Contributions
4. Policy Committee Approval for 2015 Research Program
- Policy Committee Approval of 2015 Research Program (MA,ME,NH,RI,VT)*
- 2014 ballots needed from MA and VT*
5. Open Projects
- NETC Quarterly Progress Report (TPF Program Standard Format)
- 15-3 Contract Selection – Ballot ready for AC
- 15-1 No proposals submitted, next steps
6. Open Ballots:
- NETC Policies and Procedures Revisions (ballots needed from MA)*
7. Other Business
- NETC Advisory Meeting, February 29th
- Venue
- Agenda Items (full agenda to follow at a later date)
- Facilitator (contract to follow at a later date)
- NETC Advisory Committee Chair
- NETC Lead State
8. General Updates and Reminders
- Action Items 2015
- Reminder to send any implementation of NETC research to NETC@uvm.edu
9. Adjourn
Next Meeting – February 23rd, 2016, 11 AM – 12 PM