February 24, 2015 Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda and Documents
Below are links to documents that will be discussed during the meeting. I have starred* all documents that require Advisory Committee approval.
- Call to Order/Roll Call
- Oct 28*, Nov 18*, Dec 16* and Jan 27* Meeting Minutes
- Open Projects Summary Table and Quarterly Reports
- NETC 06-4 Ballot*, NCE request
- NCE requests for NETC 13-1, 13-2. Waiting on NETC Coordinator’s NCE request.
- NETC 14-1 Ballot*, Technical Committee Recommends UMass Proposal be funded
- NETC 14-2 Ballot* (new), Technical Committee Recommends UMass Proposal be funded
- NETC 14-3 Ballot*, Recommendation from the Technical Committee
- NETC 14-4 Ballot*, Scope of Work document for review and approval
- Peer Review of Dr. Azari’s research
- New Coordinator RFP
- Fund Balance and Transfers
- General Updates and Reminders
- Update on Action Items
- Update on TPF-5(201)
- Reminder to send Amanda any implementation of NETC research.
- Did everyone meet with Policy Committee members using Memo and Ballot? Still waiting on MA and VT ballots.
- Other
- New NETC Logo* with better resolution
- RPS due date – Jan. 30th.
- Outlook meeting invites.
- Chairperson
- Adjourn