The following NETC-funded transportation research projects, valued at $1,701,483, were active at new england state universities in 2016:
University of Massachusetts: $1,323,329
- Walaa Mogawer (Dartmouth):
- “Preventative Maintenance and Timing of Applications”
- “Low Temperature and Moisture Susceptibility of RAP Mixtures with Warm Mix Technology”
- “HMA Mixtures Containing Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS): Low Temperature and Fatigue Performance of Plant-Produced Mixtures”
- Sergio F. Breña (Amherst): “Development of High-Early Strength Concrete for Accelerated Bridge Construction Closure Pour Connections”
- Chris Ahamdjian (Amherst): “Measuring the Effectiveness of Competency Models for Job-Specific Professional Development of Engineers & Engineering Technicians”
- Scott Civjan (Amherst): “Investigation of Northern Long-Eared Bat Roosting Sites on Bridges”
- Yuanchang Xie (Lowell): “Optimizing Future Work Zones in New England for Safety and Mobility”
University of New Hampshire: $298,154
- Jo-Sias Daniel: “In-Place Response Mechanisms of Recycled Layers Due to Temperature and Moisture Variations”
- Eshan Dave: “Improved Regionalization of Quality Assurance (QA) Functions”
University of Connecticut: $80,000
- Julia Kuzovkina: “Effective Establishment of Native Grasses on Roadsides”
Technology Transfer
Requests for Information and Technical Assistance: The NETC Coordinator’s office responded to the following requests: There were no requests received during 2016.
Conference Attendance and Exhibiting: The NETC Coordinator’s office attended the following conferences and events:
- Annual New England Materials & Research Engineer’s 27th Annual Meeting. The NETC Coordinator attended this meeting, as per the Advisory Committee’s recommendation, to keep updated on current research in New England. The NETC also provided sponsorship for the event. (June 2016)
NETC Research Project Reports, Technical Papers and Presentations:
Research Project Reports:
- NETC 07-1: In-Place Response Mechanism of Recycled Layers Due to Temperature and Moisture Variations
- NETC 09-2: Effective Establishment of Native Grasses on Roadsides
- NETC 09-3: Advanced Composite Materials: Prototype Development and Demonstration
Technical Papers and Presentations:
- DOT Manual: Effective Establishment of Native Grasses on Roadsides in New England
- DOT Workshop and Field Day: Effective Establishment of Native Grasses and Forbs on Roadsides
The following netc-funded transportation research projects, valued at $1,866,483, were active at new england state universities in 2015:
University of Massachusetts: $1,323,329
- Walaa Mogawer (Dartmouth):
- “Preventative Maintenance and Timing of Applications”
- “Low Temperature and Moisture Susceptibility of RAP Mixtures with Warm Mix Technology”
- “HMA Mixtures Containing Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS): Low Temperature and Fatigue Performance of Plant-Produced Mixtures”
- Sergio F. Breña (Amherst): “Development of High-Early Strength Concrete for Accelerated Bridge Construction Closure Pour Connections”
- Chris Ahamdjian (Amherst): “Measuring the Effectiveness of Competency Models for Job-Specific Professional Development of Engineers & Engineering Technicians”
- Scott Civjan (Amherst): “Investigation of Northern Long-Eared Bat Roosting Sites on Bridges”
- Yuanchang Xie (Lowell): “Optimizing Future Work Zones in New England for Safety and Mobility”
University of New Hampshire: $298,154
- Jo-Sias Daniel: “In-Place Response Mechanisms of Recycled Layers Due to Temperature and Moisture Variations”
- Eshan Dave: “Improved Regionalization of Quality Assurance (QA) Functions”
University of Connecticut: $80,000
- Julia Kuzovkina: “Effective Establishment of Native Grasses on Roadsides”
University of Maine: $165,000
Roberto Lopez-Anido:
- “Advanced Composite Materials: Prototype Development and Demonstration”
Technology Transfer
Requests for Information and Technical Assistance: The NETC Coordinator’s office responded to the following requests: There were no requests received during 2015.
Conference Attendance and Exhibiting: The NETC Coordinator’s office attended the following conferences and events:
- Annual New England Materials & Research Engineer’s 26th Annual Meeting. The NETC Coordinator attended this meeting, as per the Advisory Committee’s recommendation, to keep updated on current research in New England. The NETC also provided sponsorship for the event. (May 2015)
NETC Research Project Reports, Technical Papers and Presentations:
Research Project Reports: There were no research project reports filed in 2015.
Technical Papers and Presentations: There were no technical papers or presentations in 2015.
University of Massachusetts: $817,775
- Dr. Walaa Mogawer (Dartmouth):
- “Preventative Maintenance and Timing of Applications”
- “Low Temperature and Moisture Susceptibility of RAP Mixtures with Warm Mix Technology”
- “HMA Mixtures Containing Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS): Low Temperature and Fatigue Performance of Plant-Produced Mixtures”
- Sergio F. Breña (Amherst): “Development of High-Early Strength Concrete for Accelerated Bridge Construction Closure Pour Connections”
University of New Hampshire: $198,154
- Dr. Jo-Sias Daniel: “In-Place Response Mechanisms of Recycled Layers Due to Temperature and Moisture Variations”
University of Rhode Island: $125,000
- Sze Yang: “Measurement of Adhesion Properties between Topcoat Paint and Metalized/Galvanized Steel with ‘Surface-Energy’ Measurement Equipment”
University of Connecticut: $80,000
- Julia Kuzovkina: “Effective Establishment of Native Grasses on Roadsides”
University of Maine: $165,000
- Roberto Lopez-Anido: “Advanced Composite Materials: Prototype Development and Demonstration”
Technology Transfer
Requests for Information and Technical Assistance: The NETC Coordinator’s office responded to the following requests:
- New England Transportation Safety Group: The NETC Coordinator worked with the New England Transportation Safety Group in 2014 to develop Research Problem Statements in preparation for the 2015 Research Program solicitation.
- Delaware Concrete Pavement (SPS-2) Tech Day: The Advisory Committee member from RIDOT requested that the NETC Coordinator distribute information about the Tech Day to the entire NETC network.
- URI Korea Winter J Term Program: Professor K. Wayne Lee from URI requested that the NETC Coordinator distribute information about the program to the entire NETC network.
- Association of Modified Asphalt Producers: Now accepting scholarship applications (AMAP): Mark Felag from RIDOT requested that the NETC Coordinator distribute information about the scholarship to the entire NETC network.
Conference Attendance and Exhibiting: The NETC Coordinator’s office attended the following conferences and events:
- Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting: The NETC Coordinator attended this meeting as per the Advisory Committee’s recommendation. The recommendation is to attend the Annual TRB conference every year to review any activities related to subjects that are currently being researched through the NETC. (January 2014)
- Northeast Pavement Preservation Partnership Annual Meeting: The NETC Coordinator attended this meeting in an effort to improve our efforts to collect Research Problem Statements by collaborating with New England Technical Groups like NEPPP. (April 2014)
- Annual New England Materials & Research Engineer’s Meeting. The NETC Coordinator attended this meeting, as per the Advisory Committee’s recommendation, to keep updated on current research in New England. The NETC also provided sponsorship for the event. (May 2014)
- Northeast Association of State Transportation Officials: The NETC Coordinator attended and exhibited at this meeting, as per the Advisory Committee’s recommendation. (June 2014)
- AASHTO 2014 Research Advisory Committee Meeting: The NETC Coordinator attended this meeting as per the Advisory Committee’s recommendation. The recommendation is to attend the Annual RAC conference every year, but only exhibit every four years when the meeting is held in our region. (July 2014)
- 90th Annual Meeting of the North Eastern States Materials Engineers’ Association: The NETC Coordinator attended this meeting, as per the Advisory Committee’s recommendation, to keep updated on current research in New England. The recommendation is to attend on an as-needed basis, and not to exhibit. (October 2014)
NETC Research Project Reports, Technical Papers and Presentations:
Research Project Reports: Findings from the following research projects were distributed to: New England’s State Transportation Agencies and State Universities, The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Region 1 Research and Advisory Committee, The National Technical Information Service, and the US Department of Transportation’s National Transportation Library:
- NETC 05-5: “Measurement of Adhesion Properties Between Topcoat Paint and Metallized/Galvanized Steel with Surface Energy Measurement Equipment”
Technical Papers and Presentations: There were no technical papers or presentations in 2014.
- Extended TPF-5(222): The end date for the Transportation Pooled Fund with Vermont as the lead state was originally scheduled to end in 2014. The Advisory Committee voted to extend the TPF for an additional 4 years, so now it is set to end in 2018. This will allow for research and services to continue uninterrupted.
- Closed out SPR-3(089): The NETC is funded using Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) accounts. Previously, they were referred to as SPR accounts. SPR-3(089) was the active account when Connecticut was the lead state for the NETC. In 2014, ConnDOT and FHWA-CT worked together to officially close out SPR-3(089). The remaining funds are now being transferred to the active TPF-5(222).