Transportation professionals from the New England states met virtually on February 8 and 9, 2022 to discuss innovations and share insights on challenges, successes and best practices.
The two-day agenda included presentations from experts from the public, private and educational sectors as well as small-group breakout discussions. Recordings and additional materials from each session are provided below.
Day 1: Bridge Construction Symposium
Session 1: EDC-6 Innovation: UHPC for Bridge Preservation and Repair
Presentation Slides:
Presentation Video:
Report-Out Video:
Session 2: Concrete Durability Issues Due to High Strength and Cracking
Presentation Slides:
Presentation Video:
Report-Out Video:
Session 3: Waterproofing Membranes
Presentation Slides:
Presentation Video:
Report-Out Video:
Day 2: Pavement Construction Symposium
Session 1: EDC-6 Innovation: e-Ticketing and Digital As-Builts
Presentation Slides:
Report-Out Video:
Session 2: EDC-6 Innovation: Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS)
Presentation Slides:
Report-Out Video:
Session 3: Building Capacity with Technology
Presentation Slides:
Report-Out Video: